March 11 at 5:52:53 AM
Event timezone: Europe/London
March 11 at 5:52:53 AM
My timezone: UTC
Many thanks to all of our Attendees, Plenary Speakers, Contributing Talks, Poster Presenters, Sponsors and Organisers for participating in the S4SAS Conference 2021! It was a great turn out from the Small Angle Scattering community with over 150 attendees from over 24 countries across the globe. Thank you to our sponsors, Aerotech and Dectris, and our supporter, ExPaNDS for your valuable support.
Did you miss the S4SAS Conference or want to catch up on some talks?
Click here to watch Day 1 of the Conference
Click here to watch Day 2 of the Conference
Click here to watch Day 3 of the Conference
We are delighted to welcome you to our annual S4SAS Conference for users of Small Angle Scattering (SAS) that will take place on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd September 2021. The event will be held virtually via Meeting Mojo and Zoom across three morning sessions from 09:00-13:00 BST with Poster Sessions and 1-2-1 video meeting space provided in the afternoons of the 1st and 2nd from 14:00 - 17:00 BST.
The S4SAS Conference series aims to reach out to both well established and early career scientists alike, providing a forum for technological advancement, as well as showcasing the current state-of-the-art in data analysis for all users of Small Angle Scattering. Plenary and contributed talks highlighting leading scientific research in the field, both at synchrotron and laboratory sources, will prompt group discussion and provide further insight for attendees.
At the top of this page, you can:
Access the talks via the Sessions button
Manage your own personal schedule via the Schedule button
Browse the attendee list and request meetings via the Search button
To utilitise this platform fully, we encourage you to follow the initial set up instructions here, and visit the FAQ page for more information if needed.
We hope you enjoy the conference and would welcome any feedback afterwards on how you felt it went - especially in it's new virtual setting!
Best wishes,
The S4SAS Conference 2021 Organisers